CD's available for Label Trades

We look for "European cd-trades only" (due to the 2021 new EU import limitations we stick to Europe). 

I have these 5 titles for trades:

1 -  EBDB (Bel) 2024 - Groovy slamming death metal (RTTC Recs)
2 - Wound Collector (Bel) 2020 - Epic saxophonised death metal (RTTC Recs)
3 - Everyone Dies Alone (Bel) 2016 - Technical death metal / deathcore (RTTC Recs)
4 - EBDB (Bel) 2013 - Groovy slamming death metal (RTTC Recs)
5 - Fungus Inc. (Bel) 2012 - Death 'n' roll death metal (RTTC Recs)
6 - Suhrim (Bel) 2005 - Old school no-nonsense brutal death metal (Shiver Recs/RTTC Recs)

Currently unavailable for trade: Witness The End and Reject The Sickness.